Outreach + Prevention

Our efforts to prevent the spread of Las Vegas sex trafficking revolve around engaging and educating our community.


YOUTH engagement & EduCation

We work local youth organizations to build relationships with and educate our community’s young people to help prevent children from being sex trafficked and/or sexually exploited.

consultations & PARTNERSHIPS

We offer non-profits insight into the signs of sex trafficking and how to best help victims. We also partner with casinos to train their staff on how to identify a victim of sex trafficking or sexual exploitation and get them the proper help.

community education

We work with church groups, government officials, medical professionals, and more to ensure our key community players understand this nuanced industry—from someone who has survived it.

legal testimony

For those who need expert witness testimony, our founder offers an in-depth understanding of and experiencing with the sex industry.

speaking engagements

Samantha’s innate ability to connect—with both victims and our community—makes her an incredibly passionate, empathetic, and relatable representative.


Events and gatherings often create vulnerable situations for young people. We’ll work with your team to ensure you have safety measures in place and help you understand the signs of recruiters or “spotters”.

If you’d like to partner with RubiesLV, learn more about our mission, or invite our founder to speak—reach out to us today.