Industry Worker Support

Aid, resources, and assistance for industry girls and sex trafficking victims. We are here to help.

No matter what it is you need, we are here to help you and your entire family.

As a sex-industry survivor, our founder has a unique understanding of the Las Vegas sex trafficking industry and the many ways it conditions and changes you. She provides a safe, judgment-free atmosphere where victims can feel safe and protected. Our organizations focuses on both individual and full-family recovery—we are here to help with everything from foster-care to job placement.

Se habla Español.

The opportunities and services we offer include, but aren’t limited to:

  • Medical services

  • Dental services

  • Legal services

  • Resume Building

  • Education / GED / Financial Aid

  • Financial Freedom Course

  • Drug / Alcohol Addiction

  • Government Assistance / Welfare

  • Marriage Counseling

  • Therapy / Counseling

  • Divorce Care

  • Drop In Centers 

  • Emergency Help Hotline

  • Job placement

  • One-on-one mentorship

  • Resources available for Foster Care & Fictive Kin  

To Industry Girls, From Samantha—

Friends! I simply wanted to start with a letter to anyone that has stumbled upon this site.

There are a plethora of websites, resources, churches, outreach groups etc. that exist for helping victims of sex trafficking, women, men, and children working within the sex industry or who may be stuck in an abusive environment or relationship.

There are so many places that desire to “help” in these situations and, oftentimes, they may not have the resources to do so, or not even any exponential experience with the subject. Many places cannot fully be of help because they have never experienced something like your situation, or lived a day in your shoes. I come from this exact environment, I have been a victim myself, and have spent years working with and helping people in your exact situation. Many places that say they will help may only go as far as an automatic email response, or a message that tells you “you’re in our prayers” or “keep your head up.”

Here at RubiesLV, I have a team behind me that shares my heart and desire to help all who have gone through or are living through the exact same things I have experienced as an Industry worker. I do not have a desire to rack up points or “do the right thing.” My heart is here, and my heart has felt the same if not similar things as you.

When I began my relationship with Jesus Christ, the biggest hurdle for me was trusting Him, trusting a man! Trusting any person is always a risk, but I have had so many reasons not to trust men. Between my God and my husband, this has been an issue that has moved me, my thinking, and my lifestyle. I believe that no one should have to live in fear, and especially in fear daily. If it is fear because of a working environment, relationship, or situation/lifestyle that you have been forced into without your consent—or somehow life has just escalated to this point—that is the fear that sits heavy on my heart. The fear to leave, the fear of staying and things getting worse, or the fear that “next time” could be the one that ends it all—those are the fears this website is for.  

Maybe you are thinking; I have been scared to leave for my life, scared that I wouldn’t be protected if I did, I have even been scared because “well what’s next after this” can be the scariest of them all. But... What happens if you do leave the situation? What happens if you escape that and are able to start a life where you’re not constantly in fight-or-flight survival mode but are able to start healing and processing all the trauma in healthy loving environment? That’s where RubiesLV comes in. Thats why I am here. 

Myself, and our wonderful volunteers and staff are not here to just send you resources to read, or weekly emails of encouragement. We are to come alongside you and walk through whatever it is that you’re going through. To help with the questions, finances, child care, protection, and feeling of hopelessness that can come with being trapped in a violent and controlling situation. We know each and every single person has such a different story, situation, and needs. There is no one single answer to solve the nightmare you are living through. Here at RubiesLV, we understand that each person who contacts us is an individual with their own unique story and struggles—and each will be treated as such.

My heart is here to help, with as little as a phone call or with the full steps of coming alongside of you to get you out of your current situation and into a life without the black, choking cloud of fear. I understand. Many say it, most do not actually know what it means. But because of all the vile things I have seen, lived through, and survived, by the Grace Of God it has brought me to where I am today. The things I have had to endure and escape built me into the woman I am today, and the woman I am today wants to help the woman YOU are today—not who you wish you were, not who you are when you have to hide your true self from those around you.

Whatever your situation, no matter how violent, how long you have been there, or how hopeless it may seem, RubiesLV and myself are here. Please reach out today—I don’t expect an email with every single detail or fact of your story. Tell as much as you wish, and, together, we will go from there.

You stumbled here for a reason—you are loved, you are valuable, and you ARE WORTH IT! I can’t wait to meet you!

-Samantha Summers-Rivas

We know how to communicate discreetly—and we take every precaution to protect sex industry workers and victims who reach out. We are here to help—contact us any time of day or night.